Nuclear emergencies that occur in Japan raises fears the United States. U.S. lawmakers called on the U.S. government to temporarily stop nuclear development in the country.
"I have been a loyal supporter of nuclear power because it is domesktik, ours and it's clean," said the influential Senator Joseph Lieberman told CBS television stations as reported by the AFP news agency on Monday (3/14/2011).
"Even so I think we should calmly and quickly to stop it until we can absorb what has happened in Japan as a result of the earthquake and tsunami," said Lieberman who became chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee U.S..
Appended Lieberman, the experts then have to see what else needed to be met from the power plants of new nuclear power we are building.
President Barack Obama wants to increase nuclear power as part of U.S. efforts to reduce country's dependence on foreign oil and coal.
The Obama administration has allocated U.S. $ 18.5 billion to spur the development of nuclear. A few months ago, a U.S. official revealed, his administration is committed to re-launch nuclear power industry as an important key to bringing the country into a clean energy economy.