The number of people who tested positive for the nuclear radiation at the Fukushima nuclear power plants increased to 19 people. This number increased from 3 cases found on Saturday.
They are exposed to radiation at this time was taken to a nearby hospital. Thus was launched, Sunday (13/03/2011).
Fukushima nuclear power plant operator that is Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) nuclear safety agency has notified Japan that the radiation level at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear reactor has exceeded the limit.
Radiation levels allowed is 500 micro Sievert. While radiation in Fukushima has reached 882 micro Sievert.
Fukushima nuclear power plant also states, reactor number 3 in the center of power it has lost the use of refrigeration. This is the sixth reactor at Fukushima No. 1 plant and the No. 2 who lost the use of cooling after a devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Japan on Friday.