The rumors about the latest genarasi iPad rolling. Latest news mentioning Apple has started to produce iPad 3, and most likely will dilauncing in March 2012.
This issue alone glide from one source at the factory hardware supplier of the latest genarasi iPad. But unfortunately, the source does not dare to divulge internal picture of the iPad 3's. So that was reported by Digitimes, Friday (11/04/2011).
Internal source that gives a little explanation that the iPad 3 will be thinner than iPad 2, and of course the battery life is much longer than previous tablet version.
Apple is reportedly speeding to produce new iPad before the Chinese New Year fell in January. This means shipping iPad 3 could be done at the end of the year 2011, before finally announced officially.
Being the big question is, this new iPad comes with a size like what? Because staying digadang iPad will be made in the packaging size of 7 inches, with a much cheaper price. Apple saw market opportunities in developing countries, to ordain him as a ruler in the tablet market.
This issue alone glide from one source at the factory hardware supplier of the latest genarasi iPad. But unfortunately, the source does not dare to divulge internal picture of the iPad 3's. So that was reported by Digitimes, Friday (11/04/2011).
Internal source that gives a little explanation that the iPad 3 will be thinner than iPad 2, and of course the battery life is much longer than previous tablet version.
Apple is reportedly speeding to produce new iPad before the Chinese New Year fell in January. This means shipping iPad 3 could be done at the end of the year 2011, before finally announced officially.
Being the big question is, this new iPad comes with a size like what? Because staying digadang iPad will be made in the packaging size of 7 inches, with a much cheaper price. Apple saw market opportunities in developing countries, to ordain him as a ruler in the tablet market.