Following the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan, Japanese military planes were deployed to examine the extent of the damage.
Japan's Ministry of Defense has deployed eight military aircraft. Such as reported by Japanese news agency, Kyodo, and reported by Reuters on Friday (11/03/2011).
Prime Minister (PM) of Japan Naoto Kan asked the public to remain calm. Kan also ordered the military to do my best to follow up this disaster.
To discuss the earthquake and tsunami, the Japanese cabinet will hold a meeting.
In Tokyo, the 8.9 magnitude earthquake is felt by residents for a few minutes. But 30 minutes after the quake, the tall buildings in Tokyo are still rocking.
"I was scared and I am still afraid," said Hidekatsu Hata, manager of a restaurant in Akasaka, Tokyo. "I have never experienced an earthquake sedahsyat this before," he said.
As a result of this earthquake, the telephone network does not work. Electricity was cut off. Some nuclear power plants were off automatically. It is not known how far the damage caused by this earthquake.
"I'm afraid we'll soon find out about the damage, considering that the earthquake was so strong," said Yosuke Oi of Japan Coast Guard Agency.
Reported aftershocks continue to occur. As a result of this earthquake, an oil refinery near Tokyo, also on fire.