Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hybrid Gamepad for PlayStation From Sony

Many gamer enthusiasts are familiar with the gamepad  definitely belongs Playstation console. Gamepad that has existed since the first series of the Playstation's presence has become distinctive characteristics for the console made ​​by Sony.Unfortunately the Playstation controller that has implemented the motion sensor, the Playstation Move, popularity did not feel it. Perhaps because of the many gamers who prefer a gamepad with conventional...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Design and Technology In Max Payne 3

Rockstar has just crushed a short video which contains all the content in Max Payne. Starting from design, technology, game play until the system is disclosed. As has been previously disclosed, in this series described Max Payne had entered old age, but that does not mean expertise mengembaknya reduced. In the video titled Max Payne 3 Design and Technology Series: Creating a Cutting Edge Action-Shooter, it looks like what the hero. Although still...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

4 Sexiest Gamers Women

Games, not only crazy by men, but women also liked it. In fact, not uncommon among them succeed as a professional gamer. As these 4 women. As quoted from zimbo, Wednesday (11/16/2011), 5 women below not only earned the nickname as the sexiest gamer, but also a successful career as a professional gamer perk.   Veronica Belmont Women 26 years old from San Francisco had a chance to write an article about the game on Cnet site. Now due to his...

FBI arrestedhe World's Biggest Cybercrime Gang

FBI and security firm Trend Micro succeed in arresting gangs of cyber criminals who have been infected 4 million computers in 100 countries. Inevitably, this group is touted as the world's largest cybercrime gang. In that ambush action, arrested six people from Estonia. This lot itself is known to have committed cyber crimes since 2007 with malware spreading type DNSChanger. The operation itself is successful after investigation and search for...

New Battery Tech Can Extend of Mobile Life 10 Times

Batteries are a vital component in mobile devices, like cell phones. Any sophisticated hardware specs on a phone, will be useless if not didayai by a battery.The more diversity of features or applications that can be offered by a mobile phone or gadget, of course, also needed a battery that has the power to live stronger and more durable. To get around this, many vendors phone or other gadgets that came with a battery-powered devices maximum.Still associated with it, recently a group of engineers from Northwestern University reported to have...

Update Nokia Maps 3.8 Comes to Symbian

The latest version of Nokia Maps, which seems v3.08.203 already available for all Symbian-based phones. This software update can be obtained through existing facilities on Symbian phones (update menu) or can also be via the Nokia Suite. The latest maps software application offers weather forecasts to predict the weather, from hour to hour or five days into the future. Nokia Maps 3.8 also comes with support for live traffic info, user interface...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Samsung Releases Galaxy S II Pink Color

Galaxy S II include pride Samsung smartphone which reportedly has sold 10 million units worldwide. To remain intriguing, especially the womenfolk, Samsung also released the Galaxy S II in her pink or pink. Previously, the new Galaxy II comes in black and white. Pink color variants also increase the choice for enthusiasts. But like Aspirerich quotes from SammyHub, Sunday (11/13/2011), Galaxy S II new pink is available in their home country alone,...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

2012, Wi-Fi Can Access on Aircraft in May

With increasing number of passenger aircraft cross-country flight, United Continental Holdings announced plans to open Wi-Fi access to more than 300 passengers United Airlines and Continental Airlines. Intention is planned to be running by mid 2012. United Continental Holdings also announced it would cooperate with Panasonic Avionics Corporation to bring Wi-Fi is. Hopefully, by 2015 that will come, they have managed to provide satellite-based Wi-Fi in the entire fleet. According to officials from related companies, Panasonic's technology-based...

Rumor: iPad 3 Start Produced, Released March 2012

The rumors about the latest genarasi iPad rolling. Latest news mentioning Apple has started to produce iPad 3, and most likely will dilauncing in March 2012. This issue alone glide from one source at the factory hardware supplier of the latest genarasi iPad. But unfortunately, the source does not dare to divulge internal picture of the iPad 3's. So that was reported by Digitimes, Friday (11/04/2011). Internal source that gives a little explanation that the iPad 3 will be thinner than iPad 2, and of course the battery life is much longer than previous...

iPad 3 More Small And Powerful

CALIFORNIA - Rumors about the iPad 3 re-emerged. This time the latest generation of iPad is claimed to be using a screen measuring 9.7 inches which is equipped with a display Retina. iPad 3 which is the latest generation of Apple's tablet indeed reap many rumors before they appear, starting from a lower price, smaller size and timing of its release. Rumors preceded by DigiTimes report that stated the iPad 3 will enter mass production and soon...